caroline powers
The Rise of a Remnant Church
Caroline Powers
June 3, 2023
This photo is called “distressed flag”, a picture of us all!

Many people have said God used the Covid experience and its aftermath to bring about the rise of a remnant church, and I agree. This disease was used to challenge us by opening the door to things we’d never had to deal with before. Lockdowns of our churches, censoring of free speech, and government intrusion into decisions between doctors and patients are examples.

Surprisingly, believers divided in ways I never expected to see. Discussions became impossible in the face of angry reactions. I marveled that the opinions I held set me at odds with many I’d worshipped with for years. Families were split and friendships crumbled. If it offers any comfort, this also happened at other strategic times in our history (like the Revolutionary and Civil Wars).

The situation astounded me and many close friends. We thought we were all in agreement in our Biblical views, but we decidedly were not. Then people I respect began to talk about a remnant representing the true Church. This made immediate sense to me, and is a Biblical historical pattern as well.

I now realize God laid the foundation for this discernment when he awakened a call I’d received at a conference decades earlier to become a “watchman on the wall.” I didn’t understand this much at that time, but in 2019-2020 I developed a passion for intercessory prayer and discovered Give Him 15.  

Dutch Sheets, the author, became my mentor on the church as the Ekklesia, the prophetic today, and our authority in Christ. There are many, many others who teach on this, but Dutch became like a father to me.

I confess to being sensitive to the accusation of being divisive, but now is a time for boldness. A link to Dutch’s powerful message given at a Prophetic Summit posted a day ago is HERE (I’ve discovered this link leads to a dead end, but you can go to the Give Him 15 website and find a message that came out of the one I tried to post earlier.)

This new link will give you access to his message, “Command the Foreword” mentioned on Give Him 15. It is God’s word of instruction for such a time as this.

Isaiah 42:9 “See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.”


caroline powers

Caroline Powers writes captivating romance novels, inspired by her own emotional healing. Caroline is passionate about ministering to wounded souls and spirits through the powerful love of Jesus Christ.

A Future and a Hope

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When Larkyn Wagner barely misses hitting a bicyclist with her car, visions of her husband’s death by hit and run overwhelm her.

The victim, Gabriel DeSantis, is a recently discharged Army veteran who lost his leg in Afghanistan. Gabe is plenty ticked until he sees the remorse of his attacker. By the time the lovely widow departs, he’s almost sympathetic.

Neither expects to ever meet again, but another collision awaits.

While Gabe relies on faith as he fights for a new start outside the military, Larkyn clings to her losses. What will it take for her to see a way into the future and ignite the attraction they both refuse to acknowledge?

The story will draw you in,  but the message of hope will linger after the final page.

A future and a hope