And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV
The subtitle of Rachel Shafer’s book, Expect God says, “What to do when your problem is hiding your promise.” I haven’t read her book, but was captivated by an excerpt posted by Dutch Sheets, her uncle, on Give Him 15 (2/23/22). Rachel talks about Job and uses the illustration of the Japanese art of Kintsugi to picture Biblical restoration. The result of the repair creates a new work of art when cracks in pottery are sealed with gold. Instead of hiding them, the cracks are highlighted. The piece becomes even more valuable.

An example of Japanese Kintsugi in which gold is used to repair the cracks.
We don’t have to think very hard to see the analogy here. When we allow God to restore the cracks, or even the shattering of our lives, something beautiful happens. The very experience of being brought out of brokenness increases our wisdom, our compassion, our trust, our strength. We can bless as we’ve been blessed.
Dutch quotes from Rachel’s book: “Looking at your life right now, some might label you ‘the persecuted one,’ ‘the struggling one,’ or ‘the depressed one.’ You might be considered ‘the forgotten one,’ ‘the lonely one,’ ‘the sick one,’ or even ‘the defeated one.’ But God has a plan, and you are about to become ‘the restored one!’ You will be ‘the redeemed one,’ ‘the joyful one.’ You’ll be called ‘the healed one,’ ‘the victorious one.’”
What labels have you assumed for yourself? What are you hoping will be restored and used for good? For me, it is a beloved daughter and our blended family as a whole. It is a friend who needs healing of cancer. It is our Nation’s future.
God has filled his Word with the theme of redemption and restoration. I’m thankful that He comforts us, His presence is always with us, and that He has the power to raise even the dead to life. The verse above tells us that God uses it all and nothing we go through is wasted.
All I can say to that is, “Hallelujah!”
Prayer: Show me my new label, Lord. I ask you to restore what the enemy has damaged to better than it was before. Thank you in my Savior Jesus’s Name.